Updating Your Facility’s Electrical and Mechanical Drawings

Power Analysis Co. personnel have been updating electrical and mechanical drawings for over 20 years. In all that time, we have yet to find a customer who didn't desire accurate updated drawings, yet many couldn't acquire the funding.
Now with Arc Flash Analysis becoming a requirement, your electrical one-line drawings must be updated. That is the first step.
Over the years, we have developed a quick and accurate method for mapping out the electrical or mechanical distribution system. Accuracy is the key ingredient! All circuits are either visually verified or confirmed with the use of electronic circuit tracers.
Drawings are color coordinated to differentiate between separate systems or physical areas and presented in hard copy as well as AutoCad formats. All circuits are properly labeled with existing or new nomenclature.
Updated Panel Schedules
The Power Analysis Co. is one of few companies with the experience and confidence to provide updated panel schedules on a large scale. We have provided this service to numerous facilities over 1 million sq ft throughout the USA.
No available electronic circuit tracer is 100% accurate due to noise, operator errors and equipment design. Therefore, we incorporate field techniques utilizing external load sources to increase the accuracy.
All circuits are properly labeled, describing their source of power and can be imputed into existing AutoCad floor plans.